We made it to civilization , with 560,000 people Vancouver has everything, traffic, freeways, excellent food ,wonderful soft beds and hot bath. We are at down town Hyatt , location and comforts are perfect except that internet is not free. ( this is generally true with four and five star hotels. Best Westerns etc have free internet but these fancy ones do not…why? ) Anyways, star bucks downstairs has the free wi fi ( with a cup of coffee) . We walked along the harbor and decided it is a very pretty city. So far, lots of architect and water fountains in this down town, busy ocean side with float planes, cruise ships, fancy a boats and people biking, roller blading . We have two more days to explore. We had a great Chinese food, thanks to Smita who looked up on Yelp and gave us the directions from San Diego J
We decided we liked Hope a lot and now we are also liking Vancouver. Hope is small and pretty and interesting chain saw sculptures all over the city. On the way to Vancouver , we stopped at Abbadford. This is an agricultural town with lot of Indian ( Sikh specifically) history. They have the oldest Gurudwara outside India , just celebrated the 100th anniversary of it’s construction. We had free lunch there ( it is really nice to walk in and have fresh Indian food, only requirement is that you do not smoke and cover your head with something) . Little history lesson: Sikhs from Punjab ( india) came here from 1900 to look for jobs. There was lot of discrimination ( one of the telling story is that a Japanese ship full of Indians came here after three months of journey. Even though everyone had British passport and they were legally allowed to come to Canada, the ship was turned back. There was lot of press about that and the government officially apologized later) . The Gurudwara is Canadian National Heritage now.
On the way, we saw lots of small farms with fruits and vegetables. Fist time I saw blueberry bushes and Indian men and women workers hand picking them. ( I have been wondering with no illegal Hispanic people around , who is doing all the work here…now we know) . Blueberries are really cheap and delicious. We have been eating them like candy.
All though our journey we saw mostly Europeans , few “first nation people” and some Indians here and there. But, this part of Vancouver is as mixed as San Francisco. We will explore more tomorrow and report. I need to catchup on sleep tonight. Good night….